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TRT2  Safeguarding Land For Highway Schemes  Strategic Policy

The local planning authority will safeguard the land required for new highway schemes and proposed highway improvement schemes and will not grant permission for any development which would prejudice their implementation.

Reasoned justification :

15.15 Strategic Planning Guidance for Merseyside requires the District Councils to "define their main road network and identify proposed new links and major improvements".

15.16 Wirral's defined main road network is shown on Map 3. It has been defined in consultation with the Borough Engineer and comprises the following :

- Motorway
- Trunk Road
- Classified Roads
- Unclassified Roads which nevertheless carry large volumes of traffic and/ or provide important links to, and between, the above.

15.17 Although impracticable and environmentally undesirable to cater fully for the projected increase in private road traffic, the importance of both the strategic and local highway networks to economic and urban regeneration is recognised. The need remains to identify a rolling programme of new highway construction and improvements to existing highways in order to aid movement, increase road safety and enhance the environment. Such schemes are brought forward through the Council's annual Transport Policies and Programme. The UDP can aid highway improvement by safeguarding the land required.