1.25 The UDP sets out planning policies to guide development in the 1990's. The Plan's strategy is based on three themes:-
- building on Wirral's assets to develop its economy;
- regenerating the older urban area; and
- improving and protecting the environment.
1.26 Underlying these three main themes is the guiding principle for the UDP - that of urban regeneration. Strategic Guidance specifically identifies the promotion of urban regeneration as a key objective for the UDP.
1.27 Urban regeneration is a corporate strategy of the Council. To achieve its objectives, all the Council's spending programmes and initiatives need to be co-ordinated and directed within a robust strategy. This intention is re-iterated in recent government guidance on urban renewal.
1.28 The UDP has an important but limited role within this process. The Plan is limited to issues directly related to the use and development of land. It provides the land use framework guiding new development and environmental improvements, either through allocations of land for particular purposes or by defining criteria governing the location and design of new development. In this sense, the UDP provides the co-ordinating strategy for urban regeneration within the Borough. The emphasis in spending programmes must conform to the land-use strategy set out in this statutory document.
1.29 The co-ordinated approach to urban regeneration is reflected throughout the UDP. It provides the land use context for the Council's spending programmes and reflects the following initiatives:
1.30 Economic Development Plan. Prepared annually, the EDP sets out the budget and action to achieve the goal of improving the economic position of Wirral residents, by tackling unemployment and poverty, achieving urban regeneration, fostering business development, attracting inward investment through the EuroWirral marketing programme, encouraging the growth in tourism and supporting regional economic development initiatives.
1.31 Housing Investment Programme. Prepared annually as part of the Housing Strategy (see below), the HIP sets out the Council's programme for the upgrading and diversification of the existing housing stock, and costs the programme as a bid for resources from Central Government to carry out the programme.
1.32 Housing Strategy to 2000. Updated annually in consultation with a wide range of organisations having an interest in housing provision. It sets out a framework within which the major issues affecting the quality and supply of housing in Wirral can be addressed, and prioritises suggested solutions to the problems so identified.
1.33 Transport Policies and Programme. Produced annually to cover a five-year rolling programme on which capital allocations and grants are established. It covers major highway schemes, minor highway improvements and road safety schemes. There is a close relationship between the TPP and the UDP, the latter forming the broad strategy within which specific TPP schemes are identified.
1.34 Leisure Development Strategy. Produced by the Leisure Services and Tourism Department. It covers the Council's policies and proposals in a series of five year development plans, covering parks and open spaces, tourism, sport and recreation, children's play, community centres and libraries.
1.35 Derelict Land Programme. Until March 1993, Wirral was a rolling programme Authority for derelict land grant, but this status has now ceased. The programme continues to be executed, however, with grants totalling £400,000 being available for this financial year from Central Government.
1.36 Urban Programme. Wirral has been an Urban Programme Authority since the late 1970's, with funds available for eligible schemes in the designated Inner Urban Area and some of the outer Council Estates. Funding has been severely curtailed in the current year, being replaced by City Challenge and Urban Partnership initiatives, and the Single Regeneration Budget.
1.37 Urban Partnership Initiative. Inaugurated last year by Central Government, Wirral has been successful in getting one small scheme accepted for funding - at Railway Road, Rock Ferry. As the name implies, the essence of the initiative is to take action in partnership with the private sector.
1.38 Coastal Management Policy. Produced by the Leisure Services and Tourism Department. The policy document examines the use and management of the Wirral coast, identifying problems and opportunities for improvement as and when resources permit.
1.39 City Challenge Programme. Wirral was one of the successful "pacemaker" Authorities for City Challenge funding. A comprehensive five-year programme of initiatives is now well established in partnership with the private sector and local community groups in the central and north Birkenhead and south Wallasey areas.
1.40 Waste Management Strategy and Plan for Recycling. The Council has adopted a waste management strategy in December 1992, which is reflected in the waste management section of the UDP. The Plan for Recycling identifies opportunities and further studies for the Council's statutory duty to achieve recycling of 25% of municipal waste by the end of the century.