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TL7  Criteria for Hotels and Guest Houses  Policy

Subject to Policy TL2, hotels and guest houses providing overnight accommodation, without facilities for non-residents, will be permitted within the Primarily Residential Area.

Proposals providing overnight accommodation incorporating conference, restaurant, night club and other related sports or leisure facilities available to the visiting public, will only be considered suitable within urban commercial locations.

Reasoned justification :

10.29 Policy TLR1 provides the general background for the location of all new tourist facilities throughout Wirral. The provision of suitable visitor accommodation is an essential aspect in the promotion of longer stay tourism and new bedroom accommodation should, wherever possible, be directly co-ordinated with the wider promotion of tourism. Policy TLR1 will, therefore, also be held to apply to new proposals to provide for overnight accommodation for visitors to the Borough.

10.30 Policy TL7 provides more specific criteria related to the differing scale and nature of provision for use by overnight visitors. Guest houses typically provide a room for short stay accommodation only and hotels generally provide a room together with some additional facilities for staying guests. Subject to the normal safeguards set out within Policy TL2 or Policy TL10, as appropriate, such uses can normally be acceptable within a residential setting.

10.31 However, this is not the case with proposals which, while still providing an element of overnight accommodation, also provide additional facilities for use by the visiting public. The scale and nature of such facilities in terms of the number and turnover of visitors and levels of activity and noise generated at otherwise unsociable hours means that such uses are normally unsuitable within residential locations. Policy TL7, therefore, restricts such uses to urban commercial locations.