TL1 The Protection of Urban Tourist Resources Policy
Proposals which would prejudice the continued attractiveness of the following features for tourists and visitors or which would cause demonstrable harm to the special character of the resources and attractions outlined below will not be permitted:
(i) the related dockland and heritage attractions of central Birkenhead such as Hamilton Square Conservation Area, Birkenhead Park Conservation Area, Birkenhead Priory, Shore Road Pumping Station and the Pacific Road Museum;
(ii) the urban waterfront, Mersey Ferries and riverside walkways giving access to the shore and to views of the Mersey Estuary and the Liverpool skyline;
(iii) the coastal resorts of New Brighton, West Kirby and Hoylake with coastal views and scenery, and facilities for coastal recreation and watersports; and
(iv) Port Sunlight Village Conservation Area and the Lady Lever Art Gallery.
Reasoned justification :
10.11 National planning policy guidance encourages local planning authorities to protect the tourist industry by ensuring that other land-uses are distributed in such a way that respects the qualities that underpin the tourist industry. Policy TL1, therefore, identifies the features and facilities, falling within the urban areas of the Borough, which are most significant in terms of the continued attraction of tourists and other visitors to the area.
10.12 This includes not only the major historical or architectural features which form a prominent part of the fabric of urban tourism in Wirral but also includes the coast and its various associated attractions and facilities. Policy TL1 not only seeks to ensure that the need to retain and enhance these distinctive characteristics is taken into account when considering future development proposals, but also seeks to ensure that their potential for tourism is fully recognised and, wherever possible, retained and maximised.