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TEL1  Principles For Telecommunications  Strategic Policy

Proposals for the provision of telecommunications antennae and associated apparatus will be assessed with regard to their siting and design; environmental impact and impact on the amenity of neighbouring uses; to the strategic requirements of the telecommunications network concerned and to other technical constraints; and subject to the other policies of the plan.

Reasoned justification :

22.1 Modern telecommunications are now fundamental to present-day living, both in a domestic and business context. Whilst much of the traditional systems use underground cabling which has little impact on the local environment, overhead lines and new technologies can be more obtrusive. As an example, satellite communications can lead to demands for base station antennae and masts on high ground and often obtrusive dishes placed on existing buildings.

22.2 Whilst the siting of apparatus is governed by operational requirements and is allowed extensive permitted development rights under the Town and Country Planning General Development Order 1988, careful attention to detail can minimise the effects that this siting will have on the natural and man-made landscape.

22.3 In Wirral, much of the countryside is in the Green Belt, where the Local Planning Authority is concerned to prevent inappropriate development which would involve encroachment upon the open character of the countryside. Within the Green Belt the most important areas of countryside are the Areas of Special Landscape Value identified in Section 14 of the UDP. In the urban area the siting and design of apparatus, including satellite dishes, is often important for the amenity of the area.