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TE2  Criteria for Television Satellite Dishes  Policy

Planning applications for satellite dishes will be approved, subject to the following criteria:

(i) the dish should be sited and designed so as to minimise its impact on the external appearance of the building and the amenity of the area, particularly on the amenity of neighbouring property; and

(ii) if the building is a Listed Building or is in a Conservation Area, the siting and design of the dish will not detract from the Listed Building or the Conservation Area, and should not be installed on a visually prominent elevation.

Reasoned justification :

22.7 The use of domestic satellite antennae (dishes) has increased in recent years with the popularity and availability of satellite television based in this Country and from the Continent.

22.8 The Town and Country Planning General Development Order 1988, gives extensive rights for the erection of satellite dishes, particularly on residential buildings. Where such dishes require planning permission it is important that their siting is not over-intrusive and is not detrimental to the amenity of the area