SH4 Small Shopping Centres and Parades Policy
Within small shopping centres and parades in Primarily Residential Areas, development falling within Class A1, Class A2 and Class A3 of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987, will be permitted, subject to Policy HS15 and the following criteria as appropriate:
(i) where a proposal for Class A3 uses is located on a street containing similar establishments, cumulative levels of noise and disturbance, from both the existing and proposed activities, should not exceed a level likely to be detrimental to the amenity of the area;
(ii) proposals for Class A3 uses should include measures to mitigate smell and internally-generated noise - these measures should not be visually intrusive in the street scene and should be fully installed before the business commences trading;
(iii) the proposal does not cause nuisance to neighbouring uses, or lead to loss of amenity, particularly in respect of noise and disturbance, on-street parking or delivery vehicles - where necessary a suitable condition will be imposed on hours of opening/ operation;
(iv) proposals for Class A3 uses should be located a reasonable distance from the principal elevation of the nearest dwelling house or block of flats;
(v) proposals for Class A2 uses should incorporate the provision of a shop front and permanent window display.
Reasoned justification :
16.30 Over one hundred smaller parades and groups of shops serving more local catchment areas have been identified throughout the Borough mostly within Primarily Residential Areas. Few have any land either within or adjacent to them on which new retail development could be accommodated.
16.31 Policy SH4 highlights uses falling within Class A1, Class A2 or Class A3 as being appropriate within these parades, subject to Policy HS15 which governs development within Primarily Residential Areas, and in the case of Class A3 uses, the additional criteria set out above. Policy SH4 seeks to preserve local residential amenity in particular. Proposals for retail development which is other than small-scale and intended to serve other than a local catchment are unlikely to be acceptable within these smaller centres and parades.