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RE1  Criteria for Urban Recreation Facilities  Policy

The Local Planning Authority will permit proposals for new facilities for sport and recreation within the urban area where:

(i) the siting, scale and visual impact of any related buildings or structures is appropriate within the surrounding area and well related to associated outdoor facilities;

(ii) the proposals would not give rise to unacceptable levels of noise or other disturbance, particularly to areas of residential property; and

(iii) adequate provision has been made for highway access and for on-site car parking and manoeuvring, including for buses and coaches where appropriate, in order to cater for the maximum number of players and spectators anticipated.

Facilities likely to draw users from outside the immediate local neighbourhood should be located so as to be easily accessible by public transport.

The Local Planning Authority will, where appropriate, apply planning conditions in order to minimise potential disturbance to adjacent residential property.

Reasoned justification :

9.9 Facilities for sport and recreation are of particular importance within urban areas where they are easily accessible to local people. They are not, however, suitable in every location and Policy RE1, therefore, sets out the criteria that will normally be used to assess their appropriateness.

9.10 The criteria are based upon whether the site is suitable to accommodate the nature and scale of the use proposed in terms of operational requirements and the impact on the surrounding area. In particular, it provides for the protection of residential amenity and allows for the Local Planning Authority to control aspects of the operation of the site in order to achieve this objective.