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MIN3  Restoration And Aftercare Of Mineral Extraction Sites  Strategic Policy

The local planning authority will enforce an agreed set of restoration and aftercare conditions for mineral extraction sites in accordance with an agreed afteruse which is compatible with the environment surrounding the site.

Reasoned justification :

18.4 Extraction of minerals is essentially a temporary use of land. National policy is that restoration and aftercare is a requirement to make mineral workings suitable for beneficial afteruse and environmentally acceptable. Planning applications for extraction need to include information which demonstrates that the site will be restored satisfactorily. If this cannot be demonstrated, the Local Planning Authority will consider refusing planning permission.

18.5 The Council will ensure that any sites are restored in an environmentally satisfactory manner and, where possible, enhance the environment, in line with the Urban Regeneration Strategy. Schemes of restoration and afteruse should preferably provide for progressive restoration as extraction proceeds, unless this would adversely affect the standard of restoration achievable or be incompatible with the extraction procedure.

18.6 Where best and most versatile agricultural land, falling within MAFF Grades 1, 2 and sub-Grade 3a, is affected by mineral extraction, restoration to agricultural use should ensure that the land is restored to a similar quality.

18.7 The Local Planning Authority will pay particular attention to restoration and aftercare proposals on sites with national or local designations of nature conservation or heritage interest, sites in close proximity to residential or other sensitive development, sites in Areas of Special Landscape Value and sites in the Green Belt.