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HS4  Criteria for New Housing Development  Policy

Proposals for new housing development on allocated sites and within the Primarily Residential Areas shown on the Proposals Map will be permitted subject to the proposal fulfilling all the following criteria:

(i) the proposal being of a scale which relates well to surrounding property, in particular with regard to existing densities and form of development;

(ii) the proposal not resulting in a detrimental change in the character of the area;

(iii) access and services being capable of satisfactory provision, particularly for off-street car parking areas and garages, and adequate vehicular access;

(iv) the provision of appropriate landscaping and boundary treatment which relates the proposed development to its surroundings, paying particular attention to the maintenance of existing natural features and vegetation in accordance with Policy GR5;

(v) the appropriate provision of design features which contribute to a secure environment and reduce the likelihood of crime;

(vi) incorporating provision for accessible public open space and children’s play areas in accordance with Policy GR6; and

(vii) the provision of adequate individual private or communal garden space to each dwelling.

For all proposals whose main elevations are parallel, or nearly so, an adequate distance should be kept between habitable rooms in separate dwellings. In addition, where the gable end of one property fronts onto the rear elevation of another, then an adequate separation should be achieved.

Reasoned justification :

6.12 The environment around the home has a major impact on residents’ quality of life. When new residential development is proposed, both on allocated sites where a new environment is being created and where new housing is proposed within the existing residential areas, it is important that new housing blends in well with that already built and creates a safe external environment.

6.13 Detailed design is largely a matter for the developer and his client. However, the UDP can provide guidance on safeguarding the quality of the residential environment, so that proposed development can bring positive benefits. Policy HS4 therefore sets out a series of appropriate environmental safeguards. Additional advice on the design of residential roads and footpaths can be found in Supplementary Planning Guidance Note 14.