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GB6  Development in Infill Villages in the Green Belt  Policy

Within the villages listed in Proposal GB7, new development will be permitted on infill sites, defined as development filling a small gap within the defined built-up envelope of the village, subject to the proposal complying with Policy HS4.

Reasoned justification :

7.22 Many of Wirral's villages are within the Green Belt in which new development is not normally appropriate. However, such villages may contain suitable sites for infill development which would not have an adverse effect on the character of the village or on the open character of the Green Belt. Where the Green Belt currently washes over a village the Local Planning Authority may define a boundary within which such development would be acceptable.

7.23 The character of the rural villages is often maintained by their Conservation Area status. It is important that any proposals for new development respect this status and can preserve or enhance the Conservation Area in accordance with the relevant policy in Section 11 of the UDP.