GB10 Key Workers Dwellings in the Green Belt Policy
Where an appropriate development in the Green Belt requires a key worker to live close by and accommodation is unlikely to be available in an existing settlement or building in the vicinity, permission will be granted for an individual dwelling subject to:
(i) the need for the new dwelling being proved to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority, (supported by a report from an agricultural development consultancy in the case of an agricultural worker's dwelling);
(ii) a suitable occupancy condition; and
(iii) the dwelling's siting, design and materials being appropriate to its place in the surrounding landscape.
Reasoned justification :
7.30 It is necessary to prevent the proliferation of new dwellings in the Green Belt and, as a general rule, an applicant for a new dwelling must demonstrate that there is a real need to live in the Green Belt by virtue of the nature of the employment. If the dwelling is for agricultural purposes then the application should be supported by evidence of need from an agricultural development consultancy.
7.31 Wherever possible, new dwellings which have a proven need to be in the Green Belt should be built within an existing settlement or other group of buildings. If either of these is not possible, then the new dwelling should be within the curtilage of the source of employment, preferably adjacent to existing groups of buildings.
7.32 The recent availability of dwellings for sale or rent in nearby settlements will be taken into account in determining the likely need for new key worker dwellings.