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CH12  Frankby Village Conservation Area  Policy

In relation to Frankby Village Conservation Area the principal planning objectives for the area will be to:

(i) retain the character and appearance of an historic rural village;

(ii) preserve a compact settlement form, which is separate and distinct from the modern, built-up areas nearby;

(iii) retain unifying features of scale, layout, design and materials and the focus of buildings around the central green; and

(iv) preserve the rural character of former farm buildings.

New development will not be permitted upon the area of common land known as Frankby Green.

Reasoned justification :

11.36 Frankby Village was designated a Conservation Area in October 1974. It represents a compact, historic, rural village which, despite becoming an essentially residential community, still retains many of the historic features of its agricultural past.

11.37 The distinctive character and setting of the Village is reinforced by its continued separation from the more modern built-up areas nearby. Policy CH12, therefore, provides for this separation to be preserved, together with the essentially compact nature of the historic settlement. It also provides for the character of remaining rural buildings to be retained, including the character of those which have already passed out of agricultural use, together with their distinctive unifying features of scale, layout and design.

11.38 The buildings within the Village are also principally grouped around a small area of common land known as Frankby Green. Policy CH12 provides for this focus to be retained and, owing its visual importance within the setting of the Village, specifically provides for this area of open land to be retained free from development.