AG9 Fender Farm Riding School and Stables, Moreton Proposal
The above site, as shown on the Proposals Map, is allocated for an equestrian centre, consisting of riding school, stables and ancillary buildings, including an indoor arena, outdoor arenas and ancillary dwellings required solely for the management of the equestrian centre.
Reasoned justification :
12.27 Land to the east of Fender Farm, Moreton, is allocated for residential development under Proposal HS3, subject to the satisfactory re-location of the existing equestrian facilities. Proposal AG9 is intended to ensure that land sufficient to accommodate the re-location of the existing equestrian facilities is reserved within the existing farm complex.
12.28 The re-location of the existing equestrian facilities, to the site identified under Proposal AG9, will be secured by legal agreement.