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AG3  Controls for Agricultural Permitted Development  Policy

The Local Planning Authority will require to exercise prior approval over agricultural permitted development where the development proposed would be:

(i) in an isolated location or prominently visible over a wide area or from the main road network shown on Map 3; or

(ii) liable to affect an Area of Special Landscape Value, site of archaeological importance, Listed Building, Conservation Area, site of importance for nature conservation or falls within an area liable to flood.

The Local Planning Authority in exercising the power of prior approval will require that development:

(iii) avoids unnecessary intrusion into the skyline, is well related to the existing farmstead in terms of scale, dimensions and alignment, or is otherwise designed and located so as to minimise visual intrusion in the local landscape; and

(iv) avoids a detrimental impact on sites or areas of special value or importance for wildlife or conservation which are the subject of protective policies elsewhere within the Plan.

Reasoned justification :

12.14 Most types of agricultural development are permitted without the need for planning consent under the General Development Order 1988 (as amended).

However, proposals may need to be submitted in order to determine whether the Local Planning Authority will require to exercise prior approval over matters related to access, siting, design and external appearance.

12.15 Prior approval will not always be required. Policy AG3, therefore, sets out the general circumstances where the Local Planning Authority will seek to exercise these controls. It also indicates the issues which the Local Planning Authority will in particular wish to address. These predominantly relate to the protection of landscape character, the prevention of visual intrusion and the protection of other sensitive areas, such as sites of importance for geology, wildlife, or archaeology, which are identified for special protection elsewhere within the UDP.

12.16 The objective of Policy AG3 is not to prevent development required for agricultural purposes but to ensure that it is carried out sensitively and with full respect for the principles of conservation and protection expressed elsewhere within the UDP.